Public Member Functions | |
HRESULT | Load ([in] LPCOLESTR pszXmlFile,[in] LPCOLESTR pszBinFile,[in] ULONG ulProductCode,[in] BOOL bShowHidden) |
HRESULT | Unload () |
HRESULT | InstanceToID ([in] ULONG ulInstanceID,[out] USHORT *pusID) |
HRESULT | IsRootID ([in] ULONG ulID) |
HRESULT | IsLlcID ([in] ULONG ulID) |
HRESULT | GetParent ([in] ULONG ulID,[out, retval] ULONG *pulParent) |
HRESULT | GetHierarchicalName ([in] ULONG ulID,[out, retval] BSTR *pbstrName) |
HRESULT | GetShortName ([in] ULONG ulID,[out, retval] BSTR *pbstrName) |
HRESULT | GetLongName ([in] ULONG ulID,[out, retval] BSTR *pbstrName) |
HRESULT | GetDescription ([in] ULONG ulID,[out, retval] BSTR *pbstrDescription) |
HRESULT | GetColor ([in] ULONG ulID,[out, retval] OLE_COLOR *pColor) |
HRESULT | GetDepth ([in] ULONG ulID,[out, retval] ULONG *pulDepth) |
HRESULT | GetPacketProtoSpec ([in] enum TMediaType mt,[in] enum TMediaSubType mst,[in, size_is(ulDataBytes)] BYTE *pData,[in] ULONG ulDataBytes,[out] ULONG *pulID) |
HRESULT | IsDescendentOf ([in] ULONG ulID,[in, size_is(lCount)] ULONG pParentArray[],[in] LONG lCount,[out] ULONG *pulMatchInstanceID,[out] LONG *plMatchIndex) |
HRESULT | Find ([in] BSTR bstrName,[out] ULONG *pulID) |
HRESULT | GetHeaderLayer ([in] enum TMediaType mt,[in] enum TMediaSubType mst,[in, size_is(ulDataBytes)] BYTE *pData,[in] ULONG ulDataBytes,[in] ULONG ulPSpecInstID,[out] ULONG *pulSourceID,[out] BYTE **ppData) |
HRESULT | GetDataLayer ([in] enum TMediaType mt,[in] enum TMediaSubType mst,[in, size_is(ulDataBytes)] BYTE *pData,[in] ULONG ulDataBytes,[in] ULONG ulID,[out] ULONG *pulSourceID,[out] BYTE **ppData) |
HRESULT | BuildParentArray ([in] ULONG ulID,[in, out] ULONG *pParentArray,[in, out] ULONG *pulMaxCount) |
Detailed Description
This interface is implemented by the Omnipeek console and Omnił Engine and provides access to ProtoSpecs.
Member Function Documentation
Build an array of parents for a ProtoSpec instance ID.
Find a ProtoSpec ID by hierarchical name.
Get the color assigned to the protocol corresponding to a ProtoSpec instance ID (see OleTranslateColor).
Get the data layer for a protocol in a packet.
Get the depth of the instance ID in the ProtoSpec.
Get the description of a ProtoSpec.
Get the header layer for a protocol in a packet.
Get the hierarchical name of the protocol corresponding to the ProtoSpec.
Get the long name of the protocol corresponding to a ProtoSpec.
Calculate the ProtoSpec instance ID for the highest layer of a packet.
Get the parent instance ID for a ProtoSpec.
Get the short name of the protocol corresponding to a ProtoSpec.
Convert a ProtoSpec instance ID to a ProtoSpec ID.
Check if a protocol is a subprotocol of a number of possible parent protocols.
Is this ProtoSpec a LLC ID?
Is this ProtoSpec a "root" ID?
Load ProtoSpecs.
Unload ProtoSpecs.