Send a notification about an event. More...

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Public Member Functions

HRESULT Notify ([in] REFGUID guidContext,[in] REFGUID guidSource,[in] ULONG ulSourceKey,[in] ULONGLONG ullTimeStamp,[in] enum PeekSeverity severity,[in] BSTR bstrShortMessage,[in] BSTR bstrLongMessage)

Detailed Description

This interface is implemented by the Omnił Engine and allows a notification to be sent when an event occurs. The type of notification depends on the configuration of the engine and could include the saving of the notification in a log file, the sending of an email message, or the execution of a batch file or program.

Member Function Documentation

HRESULT INotify::Notify [in] REFGUID  guidContext,
[in] REFGUID  guidSource,
[in] ULONG  ulSourceKey,
[in] ULONGLONG  ullTimeStamp,
[in] enum PeekSeverity  severity,
[in] BSTR  bstrShortMessage,
[in] BSTR  bstrLongMessage

Send a notification.

guidContext Reference to the globally unique identifier associated with the capture that is sending this notification. This parameter can be NULL if the notification is not associated with any particular capture.
guidSource Reference to the globally unique identifier associated with the object sending this notification.
ulSourceKey Reserved for future use, must be zero.
ullTimeStamp Timestamp that specifies when the event occurred. This parameter can be zero in which case the engine provides a timestamp when it sends the notification.
severity Severity of the notification.
bstrShortMessage A short text message to be used for the notification.
bstrLongMessage A long text message to be used for the notification.
Return values:
S_OK Success
E_FAIL Error
The timestamp is nanoseconds since midnight 1/1/1601 UTC.