A filter. More...

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Public Member Functions

HRESULT RootNode ([out, retval] IFilterNode **ppRootNode)
 Get the root filter node.
HRESULT RootNode ([in] IFilterNode *pRootNode)
 Get the root filter node.
HRESULT ID ([out, retval] GUID *pID)
 Get the filter id.
 Set the filter id.
HRESULT Name ([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrName)
 Get the filter name.
HRESULT Name ([in] BSTR bstrName)
 Set the filter name.
HRESULT Comment ([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrComment)
 Get the filter comment.
HRESULT Comment ([in] BSTR bstrComment)
 Set the filter comment.
HRESULT Color ([out, retval] OLE_COLOR *pColor)
 Get the filter color.
HRESULT Color ([in] OLE_COLOR color)
 Set the filter color.
HRESULT Created ([out, retval] ULONGLONG *pullTimeStamp)
 Get the time the filter was created (PEEK format).
HRESULT Created ([in] ULONGLONG ullTimeStamp)
 Set the time the filter was created (PEEK format).
HRESULT Modified ([out, retval] ULONGLONG *pullTimeStamp)
 Get the time the filter was last modified (PEEK format).
HRESULT Modified ([in] ULONGLONG ullTimeStamp)
 Set the time the filter was last modified (PEEK format).
HRESULT StrID ([out, retval] BSTR *pVal)
 Set the filter id with a string.
HRESULT StrID ([in] BSTR newVal)
 Get the filter id as a string.

Detailed Description

A filter.

See also: