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Category : Scripts
Submitted By : Savvius
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Inside the zip file find the PeekCOM document and some VB, C, and perl code samples. These sample programs exercise the the most imprortant PeekCOM API calls.
The first thing you need to do after extracting the contents is go to the bin directory and run "tlbreg peek.tlb". This will register the PeekCOM API interfaces with the registry. With that in place you are ready to go. The VB samples can be run directly from the command line using wscript or cscript. The Perl samples can be run using Active Perl. The C samples require Visual Studio.
The primary function of the PeekCOM API is to open capture windows using the Open() call. This call can be used to open a trace file and a live capture using a capture template. These two techniques are both outlined in the document. However, what is not mentioned in the document is that you can also open a filter file, an alarm file, or a name table file. Opening these types of files allows you to add things to AiroPeek programmatically at run time.
As you start using the PeekCOM API you will see that capture templates are an imporant part of using it. You should read all about capture templates in the Peek documentation. Capture templates are created in Peek manually. The one I have provided you is a sample that I have created. You can also create your own with the configuration you want a capture window to have. The most important thing to keep in mind is the adapter specified in your capture template. In the sample .ctf I gave you the adapter is a file adapter called association.apc. This file adapter will only work with AiroPeek or Omni. If you are running EtherPeek then you will need to specify a .pkt or ask us for one. You can also use one from the samples directory in your peek install directory. The other type of adapter is a NIC which you will have to specify yourself.
In one of the samples is a call to SaveReport(). This PeekCOM API call is new to AiroPeek 3.0. There is another new API called SummaryGetEntry() which allows access to Summary Stats from the PeekCOM API. This too is new to AiroPeek 3.0. Both of these new calls will be in all future versions of the consoles as well. So like I was saying, the sample demonstrates a few of the API calls but there are more API calls that are outlined in the PeekCOM.html file as well.