This is the complete list of members for IWPRemoteCmdMgr, including all inherited members.
ApplyFilterToCapture([in] BSTR strCaptureGUID,[in] BSTR strFilterGUID,[in] enum PeekFilterMode filterMode) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
Connect([in] BSTR hostName,[in] ULONG tcpPort,[in] ULONG timeout,[out, retval] enum RemoteCmdReturnType *pStatus) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
ConnectWithCred([in] BSTR hostName,[in] ULONG tcpPort,[in] BSTR domain,[in] BSTR user,[in] BSTR passwd,[in] ULONG timeout,[out, retval] enum RemoteCmdReturnType *pStatus) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
CreateNewCapture([in] BSTR strName,[in] VARIANT_BOOL bIsContinuous,[in] VARIANT_BOOL bSaveToDisk,[in] ULONG lFileSize,[in] VARIANT_BOOL bStopSaveMB,[in] ULONG lSaveMB,[in] VARIANT_BOOL bStopSaveCount,[in] ULONG lSaveCount,[in] VARIANT_BOOL bSliceOn,[in] ULONG lSliceLen,[in] ULONG lBufferSize,[in] BSTR strAdapterName,[out, retval] BSTR *strCaptureGuid) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
CreateNewCaptureFromFile([in] BSTR Name,[in] USHORT ReplayCount,[in] BSTR RemotePacketFilePath,[out, retval] BSTR *strCaptureGuid) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
CreateNewCaptureFromTemplate([in] IXMLDOMDocument *pCaptureTemplate,[out, retval] BSTR *strCaptureGuid) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
DeleteCapture([in] BSTR strCaptureGuid) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
DeleteRemoteFile(BSTR RemoteFilename) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
Disconnect([out, retval] enum RemoteCmdReturnType *pStatus) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
GetCaptureList([out, retval] IPeekRemoteCaptureList **ppCaptureList) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
GetConversationList([in] BSTR strCapID,[in, out] VARIANT *pTimeStamp,[out, retval] IPeekConversationList **ppRemoteConvList) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
GetConversationListAll([in] BSTR strCapID,[out, retval] IPeekConversationList **ppRemoteConvList) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
GetEngineStatus([out, retval] IEngineStatus **status) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
GetFileList(BSTR fileMask,[out, retval] IWPFileList **FileList) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
GetFilters([out, retval] IFilterCollection **ppFilterCollection) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
GetGraphTemplates([out, retval] IGraphCollection **GraphTemplateCollection) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
GetLatestMonitorStats([out, retval] IMonitorStats **pMonitorStats) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
GetNodeList([in] BSTR strCapID,[in, out] VARIANT *pTimeStamp,[out, retval] IPeekRemoteNodeList **ppRemoteNodeList) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
GetNodeListAll([in] BSTR strCapID,[out, retval] IPeekRemoteNodeList **ppRemoteNodeList) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
GetRemoteAdapterList([out, retval] IPeekRemoteAdapterList **pVal) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
IsConnected([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
SaveAllPackets([in] BSTR captureID,[in] BSTR localFilename) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
SaveCapture([in] BSTR CaptureID,[in] BSTR Filename,[in] BOOL OverWriteFlag,[out, retval] BSTR *SavedFilePath) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
SetFilters([in] IFilterCollection *pFilterCollection,[in] enum MutableItemOpsType OpType) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
StartCapture([in] BSTR strCaptureGuid) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
StartMonitoring([in] BSTR adapterName,[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *bSuccess) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
StopCapture([in] BSTR strCaptureGuid) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr | |
StopMonitoring([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *bSuccess) | IWPRemoteCmdMgr |